Posts Tagged ‘choices’

Choosing Your Career Path

Posted: January 31, 2012 by knight-chronicoz in Business Insights
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When you are a child you always think you have everything all figured out on how you will end up. You ask a kid what they want to be they will say things like I want to be a pastor or the president or a teacher, but when you are an adult reality just isn’t that cut out clear.

So now how do you make sure when you are done with your final paper of school you are ready for the many career choices that await you? Well depends on your personality that is what i believe, because most people make the mistake of doing something they dont like because they believe that career choice will make them wealthier in the future, wrong it wont.

It will only make you miserable, and if you are miserable you will do task heavyhearted  and if you (more…)