Posted: February 17, 2012 by Mike Chilewe Jnr in Success Corner

My father always says a confused salesman doesn’t sale,…

Think about it carefully,….they say behind a successful Man there is a woman, I choose to look at that woman as my mother

This one is really short one but very important

In everything you do in order to be successful make sure that you keep your house in good order, by this I mean make sure that you don’t have a lot of things to worry about by keeping things simple and straight in your life

-Its not as easy as it sounds but its also as easy as it sounds, make sure that you manage the people around you well, from friends, relatives, romantic relationships, business relationships…etc

If you have been heartbroken before you will agree with me that things don’t seem to work…almost everything seems not to be working, be it business, school, you cant eat or do that

My point here is that, for you to succeed in this world make sure that you manage your relationships well and make sure that you balance up these things, don’t be too caught up in trying to succeed and forget family, friends etc

When you manage your relationships well you will be surprised how successful you can become

The most important relationship of them all is the relationship with the father above GOD

-Smile, Greet people around you,

if you are confused cause of your relationships, nothing works my friends

Make sure that you develop a good relationship with your Boss, no matter how tough a boss can be, but if you are working hard and you always wear a smile, trust me you will be in good terms even though maybe he wont show it because of not wanting to look cheap or just being a tough boss

If you have corporate clients that you always do business with, make sure that you build personal friendships, a simple call to your client just wanting to know how they are doing will most definitely put you in good books (that is of course after you deliver quality work to them)

I myself I am very good at collecting money from Big companies, most of the times I don’t have to wait for 30 days, it’s a simple thing that I figured out,..I make the decision makers my friends and its so easy to talk to them that you need payment urgently, when I call them sometimes just to know how they are doing they ask me sometime “Do We owe you anything that these guys should prepare immediately? “ I answer No, I just wanted to know how you are doing today

I feel the smile on the phone cause of that simple gesture which can help in big things

That’s all for today, I am sure you are now ready to succeed or improve from where you were

Don’t forget the best relationship is with God

  1. Saul says:

    Perfect article

  2. Sunganani says:

    This is soooo very true. I have come to learn that people are built to relate to each other. The healthier the relationships the faster the success becomes.

    • Mike Chilewe Jnr says:

      Thanks very much for taking your time to read my article, I really appreciate Sunganani
      Relationships are the most important thing to take you to greater heights

  3. Steve Msimuko says:

    Tell me Mike how much have you made from this article just to motivate us to write as well?

    • Mike Chilewe Jnr says:

      Steve, thanks for reading my article
      Its not about making money from writing but the passion to share the information that you have other people so that they can get helped also

  4. Psalm Chinyamu says:

    Thanks Mike, This is great piece has made my day to today. Yes, you have reminded me one important thing in life for one to succeed, healthy relationships are very crucial. The two things that are important I believe are Education and relationships. Education is not only to be in class and learn something but willing to learn and change areas that needed changing. Once more, Thanks

    • Psalm Chinyamu says:

      Thanks Mike, This great piece has made my day to today. Yes, you have reminded me one important tip of life, if one has to succeed: healthy relationships are very crucial. The two things that are important I believe are Education and relationships. Education is not only being in class and learn something but willing to change in an area that needed changing. Once more, Thanks

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